Kathmandu: The jury panel for the television reality show ‘Acting Star’ has been officially announced. The show, which began its search for contestants through a digital audition a few months ago, has finalized its jury members. The organizing team has revealed that Neer bikram Shah, Anup Baral, and Richa Sharma will serve as the judges for the show.
Renowned as the “King of Acting,” Neer bikram Shah, celebrated mentor to numerous successful actors, Anup Baral, and acclaimed actress Richa Sharma will evaluate the contestants of ‘Acting Star.’ According to the production company, Mahak Media Network, over a thousand aspiring actors have submitted audition videos through digital platforms so far.
The production team stated that individuals selected through digital auditions would receive participation certificates during visits to their respective hometowns. The auditions have attracted interest from child actors, young talents, and even elderly participants, demonstrating broad appeal across age groups.
The show, aimed at nurturing acting talent, will be directed by Bishal Bhandari and broadcast on AP1 TV. While audiences have enjoyed reality shows focused on singing, dancing, and comedy, ‘Acting Star’ is set to introduce a fresh format to the reality TV landscape.
The digital rights to ‘Acting Star’ have been acquired by OSR Digital. The winner of the show will receive a cash prize along with an opportunity to work in a feature film.